MinisiteOmni Cube

E CUBE For Everyone

Around the world, 770 million* people are still not connected to electricity, according to the latest data from the World Bank. E Cube is specially designed for remote areas outside the power grid and provides access to a variety of services.

These services include electrical charging, water purification, educational resources, medical facilities, food supply, and assistance in production. Additionally, we support government services, agricultural initiatives, and communication systems.

Responsive Design

LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube

What'sthe deal?

The goal was to build a prominent and user-friendly minisite that showcases the company’s solutions and offerings.

  • Client

    Omni Cube

  • Country


  • Project executed by

    UX/UI design by Gili Bar Shai from NotFromHere studio

    LM Web Solutions development

View the project
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube



Sowhat did we do?

We developed the minisite in collaboration with the NotFromHere design studio, led by Gili Bar Shai. We implemented development for both desktop and mobile devices, alongside a comprehensive quality testing process, all while working closely with the company’s designers.

Talk to us
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube
LM Web Solutions - Omni Cube
For all projects


Get a glimpse of what we love to do: websites and landing pages that we conceptualized, designed, developed, and polished to perfection.

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

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