site speed
Nowadays, many website owners strive for a perfect 100 PageSpeed Insights score from Google. This focuses on website performance benchmarks. To help WordPress sites more easily achieve excellent scores, here are 3 recommended plugins that can optimize speed.
The first plugin Optimize Images:
The WP Smush – Image Optimization plugin should be your first install to improve site speed. Large image file sizes can significantly slow down load times. WP Smush compresses images by reducing unused data volume without sacrificing quality. This optimization shrinks image file sizes for faster loading without compromising resolution or appearance. By focusing on condensing unnecessary image data, WP Smush painlessly trims fat to boost speed.
The second plugin Autoptimize:
Our second proposed plugin is Autoptimize, which minimizes code for better performance. Bloated code with unnecessary spacing and breaks slows websites. Autoptimize compresses HTML, CSS and JS files by removing extra whitespace, line breaks and comments. This substantially reduces code size without affecting functionality. By streamlining inflated code, Autoptimize cuts page load times for a faster site.
The third plugin Caching:
Finally, a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache is recommended. Growing WordPress sites tend to suffer slower speeds. Caching generates static copies of dynamic content to optimize performance. W3 Total Cache specifically produces cached versions of WordPress content to significantly accelerate load times. Through cached static page copies, plugins like W3 Total Cache can drastically improve site speed at scale.
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