SiteImage Ahoy Creative

Ahoy Creative is a top-tier digital advertising agency in Tel Aviv that boasts an exceptionally skilled and varied creative team. They offer premier production advertising services to some of Israel's most prominent brands, with particular emphasis on dentistry, real estate, industry verticals and more.


LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב

What'sthe deal?

Our objective was to create a website that harmoniously integrates the business’s image and showcases the studio’s portfolio. With Ahoy Creative in charge of characterization and design, we are now responsible for rejuvenating the site while addressing all requests with diligence.
Our WordPress site was created from a custom template that was specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of our client, rather than being based on any pre-existing templates.

  • Client

    Ahoy Creative

  • Country


  • Project executed by

    UX/UI designer

    Edge development

    Rear development

View the project
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב



Sowhat did we do?

A management system was developed for the office to provide ample freedom for girls to showcase their work pages. Its user interface incorporates slow scrolling and synchronized animations that traverse through the website, evoking a sense of immersion identical to browsing my site; it adds dynamism while piquing interest in visitors.

Ensuring optimal mobile functionality is crucial for websites, as browsing via smartphones has become increasingly popular. As a result, the user-friendly experience crafted on desktop must translate seamlessly to mobile devices. Additionally, we’ve enabled abbreviated content uploads specifically tailored to the different format constraints of handheld screens – distinguishing it from that optimized for larger browsers utilized with traditional computing setups such as desktops and laptops.

Talk to us
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב
LM Web Solutions - אהוי קרייאיטיב

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

LM Web Solutions

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